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Groupe Civitas : Your expert in reserve fund studies

In Quebec, especially in Montreal, its South and North shores

The building science division at Civitas has more than 30 years of experience in building inspections, reserve fund studies, facade studies, parking lot studies, and maintenance logs.

January 2020 marks a major change for syndicates of co-ownership with the adoption of Act 16 and the introduction of several regulations, including the obligation to have reserve fund and maintenance log studies carried out by professional orders recognized by the Government of Québec.

Civitas' building sciences division offers a variety of products for the management of your buildings, whether your fund is small, medium or large. The study of your condominium corporation's assets must be tangible and is carried out diligently with one simple goal in mind: to ensure the healthy sustainability of your buildings.

To do this, our digital tools help visualize the fluctuations of your funds over time. Our multiple graphs illustrate cash flow over a 25-year period and help you understand the long-term needs of your reserve fund.

The new regulation that requires all syndicates of co-ownership to create a maintenance log is a major step towards our mission. Civitas offers a variety of digital products that can be used for all types of co-ownership. We will be partners you can count on for the maintenance of your buildings!

You are a co-ownership syndicate representative?

Contact our team now to schedule a study of your condominium's reserve fund in Montreal, on the North, and the South Shore. Our technologists and Engineers will be able to carry out the study, and this, according to the highest standards of Act 16.

Reserve funds

Act 16 and its regulations concerning divided co-ownerships

Did you know that the average age of the condominium stock in Quebec is approaching 30 years? As mentioned by the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation du Québec, « The stock is therefore aging, which requires maintenance, renovation, and upgrading. »

In this context, on January 10, 2020, the Quebec government adopted Act 16!

Highlights include :

Reserve fund studies

Syndicates of co-ownership must maintain their buildings in order not to penalize future generations of buyers, hence the importance of long-term planning. Groupe Civitas can provide you with a reserve fund study for 25 years or more, upon request, and professional maintenance logs adapted to the size of your building.

New construction developers have responsibilities : « Developers must provide certificates of location as well as all available plans and specifications, including those related to substantial modifications made to the building, to the syndicate of divided co-ownership ». These plans, specifications, and certificates help to inventory the common components of your syndicate and, on the other hand, to promote a better understanding of possible deficiencies.

Maintenance log

Whether your building is small, medium or large, it requires attention! Establishing and enforcing a maintenance log is a challenge for all syndicate managers: guides, data sheets, maintenance, annual inspection, expert terminology, work monitoring, and much more. Groupe Citivas understands and supports you. Our digital tools are flexible and easy to use.

Note that the Quebec government is working on the adoption of a regulation on the maintenance log: "the form, content, and methods of keeping and revising the maintenance log as well as the resources who can establish and revise it, will be determined by a regulation of the Quebec government." No date is set at this time.


Standards and Groupe Civitas

Groupe Civitas adheres to numerous standards in order to offer a top-quality service adapted to its clientele. At the same time, we understand that some standards can be onerous for small condominium managers: we are flexible, and our proposals are written and signed accordingly.

Our contracts are carried out under the Standard of Professional Practice for the Inspection of Residential Buildings, developed jointly by the Ordre des architectes du Québec, the Ordre des évaluateurs agréés du Québec, and the Ordre des technologues professionnels du Québec.

Our inspection process is performed under North America's highest standard, the « Standard Guide for Property Condition Assessments: Baseline Property Condition Assessment Process, ASTM E2018 - 15. » This process implies, among other things, that the report written by the inspector (professional technologist) is reviewed by a member of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec.

Uniformat II: The data collected during the inventory of the common components of your condominium is classified under the UNIFORMAT II standard. This standard offers consistency in the economic evaluation of the maintenance of your buildings - both in construction and renovation mode.

Useful links


Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation - Copropriété divise


Act 122 : Facade inspection

The purpose of Act 122 is to ensure the safety of occupants and pedestrians in the vicinity of buildings five (5) stories or more in height as well as users of parking garages. These facade studies are signed by Engineers or architects.

The purpose of facade inspections is to ensure the safety of everyone by detecting problems before extensive damage occurs that puts people's security at risk.

Our team performs the following steps during the inspection of your facades :

  • Interview with the building owner or manager.
  • Review of documents - construction plans, RBQ records.
  • Issuance of as-built plans.
  • On-site inspection and taking of photographs.
  • On-plan location and observation descriptions.
  • Facade condition assessment report.

For the inspection of your facades in the Greater Montreal area, call Groupe Civitas.

Act 122 facade inspection

Contact our team

Groupe Civitas is your reference for reserve fund studies (Act 16) and maintenance logs in the Greater Montreal area. Our technologists, inspectors and Engineers carry out their research and reports meticulously and in compliance with the law. Schedule your condominium reserve fund study without any further delay.

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